Healthy New Year DRS ’23

On average 44% of Americans make New Year’s resolution. About 31% stick with the promise they make, Incredibly 81% fail by February! Why? Simply put, you cannot change a lifetime of habits in 30 days! It takes a lifetime to change a lifestyle because you are working on it every day. The first 30 days […]

Healthy Habits Tip

Your healthy is the most important thing you have. I know they make it seem like it’s not, because they can stress other parts of your life so badly, that thinking about and working on your health seems a distant goal. This is not true at all. Your health is number one. Believe it or […]

Healthy Action Plan for the Holidays

Actions to live by A plan of action is vitally important. A plan of action will go through many revisions because there will be many challenges both seen and unseen you will face. However, a plan will give you a method of adapting to compensate and overcome the challenge. Failing to plan is planning to […]

Healthy Eating Holiday Advice

The Greatest Gift you can give is Good Health. Physical Mental Mental Emotional Spiritual. All these are connected. If one is out of sorts, the others cannot be far behind because when one is under atack or stressed or traumatized all systems come under their own form of attack, all spurred by the first stressor […]

A Lifetime of Eating Mindfully

Eating Mindfully, that means taking the time to prepare your meal carefully and eating it slowly will make your more mindful of not only what and how you eat, but you will become more mindful of other things that affects your health. This is the beginning of the change you want to make for the […]

Portion Control How do you Measure Success

The measure of success can be determined in many ways. The way we measure success will determine if you continue or if you stop. The problem with diets is they cause you to put unrealistic expectations on you. When you don’t see these amazing results one tends to stop, citing the attempt as a failure. […]

Eat To Live

The key is eating to live. Eating to live requires that you are mindful about what you eat and how you eat. You will learn to eat slowly. You will use portion control to control how much of each item you consume. You will begin to fast intermittently because you will begin to see the […]

Eat Slowly and Remove Stress

Stress is a silent killer. Stress is related to almost all chronic pain issues you experience. We are a society that is contantly under stress in one form or another. We talk about your system being one interconnected operation. However, if you stress any part of the system it will affect all the other systems […]

Be Mindful of what and how you eat

Eating Mindfully is important because it makes you aware. Aware of what you are eating, aware of the ingredients you are consuming, aware of the nutrients and how they affect your body. What could be more important than knowing what you are consuming and how they affect your system. Eating Mindfully, means that you are […]