Healthy New Year DRS ’23

On average 44% of Americans make New Year’s resolution. About 31% stick with the promise they make, Incredibly 81% fail by February! Why? Simply put, you cannot change a lifetime of habits in 30 days! It takes a lifetime to change a lifestyle because you are working on it every day. The first 30 days are just the opening round

Round  one. Who throws in the towel after 1 round? The fight, the battle has just begun. You have to commit to yourself to see it through, You won’t see any results in a month. You won’t increase your savings significantly in a month unless you hit the lottery. you won’t lost 50 pounds in a month when you’re supposed to lose 1-2 pounds a week and stay healthy.

This year try something a little different. Try a little patience. Try to remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. This year try finding the support to help you continue through the year. Tris year try DRS. The program and principles will help you achieve the suxxess you are seeking, and it will improve your lifestyle as well. Learn to eat more slowly, Learn to eat more mindfully, learn poetion control Learn how we put it all together for you

Not Experts, just someone who has been at this and doing this a long time. Someone who has learned through trial and error. and doesn’t mind sharing and helping you get past the obstacles and there are many.

. The four most popular types of goals people set are to exercise, eat well, lose weight, and save money. The DRS program and approach will help you achieve all four of these goals and if you try and stick with us, by the summer you will be on your way to a healthier life and lifestyle,. You will have made such a significant change in your life you won’t want to go back.. even if you didn’t lose the 100 pounds in a month or two

Join the healthy eating healthy body revolution.. it starts right here with you and with DRS We’ll see you on the other side

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