Healthy Eating Holiday Advice

The Greatest Gift you can give is Good Health. Physical Mental Mental Emotional Spiritual. All these are connected. If one is out of sorts, the others cannot be far behind because when one is under atack or stressed or traumatized all systems come under their own form of attack, all spurred by the first stressor
Treat your body well, you will start feeling your mind sharpening, your spirit will get stronger. and you will start feeling emotionally better. Amazing as it may sound It begins with what and how you eat. So important is this that this is generally the first point of attack.
It’s all connected. They want you to believe they’re separate things. (F S HG) etc.. It is one! There is only ONE! Treat yourself right Treat yourself properly and the other parts will follow. It begins with what and how you eat. This is the first line of defense. because it is the first line of attack. They weaken your body with bad foods, they weaken your mind by believing you’re not under attack. Poor eating habits weakens your spirit
It doesn’t matter how good a shape you may think you’re in There are many causes for depression… We Never Think It’s What We Are Eating.. DRS Dedication Resolve Success. Join us in the new year

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