
How much Weight Should you Lose in a Week?

What is healthy weight loss per week? Basically, it is said that 1-2 pounds per week are the ideal amount to lose. One pound is equivalent to 3,500 calories and this means you need to reduce your caloric intake by 500 – 1000 calories per day to lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week. If the recommended daily amount of calories is 1200 by the FDA, then you would have to reduce your caloric intake to about 700 calories a day.

This is achievable without being hungry or starving yourself. If you use the Diet Rite System you will be able to achieve this easily. The Dite Rite System is a Protein-rich low-carb system. This allows you to stay fuller longer which will allow you to reduce your caloric intake per day.

There are hundreds of weight-loss diets promising quick weight loss that sound ideal when you want to drop a few pounds for an important event that is only weeks away. Unfortunately, most of these diets promote methods that are not only ineffective but in some cases unhealthy and dangerous for our bodies.

Again the Diet Rite System does not promise instant weight loss, although you can lose 2 or more pounds per week once you are using it consistently. The meal tracker too that is provided allows you to track/monitor what you are eating and at what time, combine this with our Weight Tracker tool and two things occur. 1. You will be able to see how certain meals affect your weight 2. If you are tracking what you eat, then you will watch what you eat!

This will allow you to adjust your eating based on your own findings and you will adjust your eating to achieve the goal you desire. Most diets fail because they don’t give you the tools to see how each meal affects your weight.

If you see how each meal affects your weight, you will make the necessary adjustments, not based on “Science” or “Experts” but make the adjustments based upon your own findings.

Try our tools free for 7 days and watch how you adjust your eating habits yourself, then use our protein-rich low carb system to complete your transformation DRS “Take Charge of your Life… Take Charge of Your Diet”

When do you lose weight?


The healthiest way to lose weight fast should be based on the same principles as a long-term healthy diet.  The simple combination of eating less and exercising more really is the best for short and long-term weight loss.

The principle behind weight loss and gain is simple.  If you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight.  If you eat less than you burn you will lose weight and if you eat the same amount as you burn you will maintain the same weight.

Hence for the most effective weight loss, we want to increase the calories we burn per day by exercising more and decreasing the amount we consume by eating smaller portions and eating foods that have fewer calories.

What is healthy weight loss per week?

Health professionals agree that a healthy weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week.  Now this rate may fill you with dread as the hope of fitting into your favorite outfit in time for that special event, but with the help of a dietician or weight loss professional, you may be able to increase this whilst still maintaining a nutritionally sound diet.

A combination of calorie reduction and exercise is ideal for the most efficient and healthiest weight loss.

Step 1 – Reduce Calorie Intake


Young smiling woman eating a salad

There are 3500 calories in a pound of body fat. To achieve a weight loss of one to two pounds per week, you need to reduce your calorie intake by at least 500 calories per day.

Depending on your diet, this may be as easy as cutting out one high calories indulgence, or you may need to reduce calories across your day by choosing low-calorie foods and reducing portion sizes.

If you wish to lose weight faster you may need to create a greater energy deficit.  This can be done by reducing intake further or by increasing activity levels to burn more.

It is important not to let your calorie intake drop below 1050-1200 calories per day, as this is considered an unsafe level.  With an hour of moderate to high-intensity exercise and a calorie intake of around 1200 calories, you should be able to lose at least three pounds a week, possibly more if you have a large amount to lose.

This is achievable with the Diet Rite System you will be able to achieve this easily. The Dite Rite System is Protein rich low-carb system. This allows you to stay fuller longer which will allow you to reduce your caloric intake per day and only for $10 a month! In fact, we are so confident in our system we offer you to try it free for 7 days!

Weight loss is generally easier when there is a large amount of weight to lose, and tends to slow as you get closer to your ideal weight.

When starting any diet and exercise plan, it is essential to consult your doctor or health professional to find the most effective diet for you.

Different people have different calorie requirements and nutrient needs, so it is essential that even if you are reducing your calories, you are still receiving all the nutrients your body requires for normal function.

Easy ways to reduce calories:

  • Reduce portion sizes.  Try using a smaller plate as this will appear fuller with less food and you will feel you are eating more.
  • Choose low-fat versions when available such as dairy products
  • Avoid creamy and buttery sauces and dressings and replace them with vegetable or vinegar-based alternatives.
  • Avoided adding extra fats to food such as butter, oil, and mayonnaise. Instead, opt for healthy fats.
  • Avoid snack foods obviously high in sugar or fat and replace them with low-calorie alternatives such as fresh fruit or air-popped popcorn.
  • Fill up on low-calorie options such as vegetables and fruit and reduce portions of higher-calorie foods.
  • Think about what you are eating.  It may help to write down your daily intake as this can help to make you more aware of unconscious eating.

Step 2 – Exercise more


The American guidelines for physical activity suggest 2 hours and thirty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or one hour and fifteen minutes of high-intensity exercise per week, accompanied by muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days.

If you are trying to lose weight fast, however, you will probably need to aim for more than this.

Exercise is important

Try to fit in one hour of exercise per day, with one day of rest per week.  The intensity of this hour will depend on your original level of fitness, so start with something not too demanding and increase intensity as you become able.

It is a good idea to consult with your doctor or a fitness professional as to what level of workout is suitable for you.  Some aerobic exercise burns calories more efficiently than others, but don’t launch straight into a high-intensity spin class if you haven’t done much exercise in a while.

It’s best to start at an achievable level, for example walking or swimming, and work your way up to more intense workouts.

Weight training and strengthening exercises are also beneficial

Weight training and strengthening exercises are also beneficial.  Not only do they improve muscle tone and make you look leaner, but by increasing your muscle mass you are also increasing your resting metabolic rate.

Muscle tissue uses more calories than fat; therefore if you have a larger proportion of muscle you will burn more calories even when you are sedentary. learn more about how a protein-rich diet will help you achieve this.

Remember that general day-to-day activity can also help to burn more calories, try to walk where possible rather than taking the car or bus and use the stairs whenever possible.  It all adds up.

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