Eat To Live

The key is eating to live. Eating to live requires that you are mindful about what you eat and how you eat. You will learn to eat slowly. You will use portion control to control how much of each item you consume. You will begin to fast intermittently because you will begin to see the emotional physical mental and yes spiritual benefits.

These thing you will do as a natural progression of the changes you experience from these disciplines. None of these principles are easy, but they are not as hard as you may believe Let us show you and help you along the way. Incredible as it may sound… What and how you eat is the beginning point to changing your life and lifestyle.

What and how you eat is so important to establishing a balance between the stress of everyday events and keeping your internal systems operating properly tho they are under constant attack. We use the wprd attacl becaise whenever you add stress any part of your system, that system is under attack. We don’t think of stress as an attack, we don’t think of trauma as an attack, but they are because the objective is to disrupt the functioning of a system

Whenever you stress, traumatize, attack any part of your system, your entire system  comes under attack because all systems are interconnected. and the way to begin to remedy this is by making sure your eating remains healthy and peaceful.

The Healthy Eating Healthy Body Revolution is real and we’d love you to join us. It all starts right here with you and DRS.



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