Portion Control How do you Measure Success

The measure of success can be determined in many ways. The way we measure success will determine if you continue or if you stop. The problem with diets is they cause you to put unrealistic expectations on you. When you don’t see these amazing results one tends to stop, citing the attempt as a failure.

The six principles of DRS is measured differently. Before you see the slimmer you that you are looking for. You will notice other things that are the measure of success. Portion control as well as the other principles will and can be measured by how you begin to feel and how easier it is to proctice and apply the prnciples

Using portion control you will begin to see how you become comfortable with eating smaller portions and still be full. You will begin noticing how your energy doesn’t fade during the day. You will notice you consistently you create a healthy peaceful environment or mood when you eat. As you do so you will begin to see and feel  changes in your body. How weight will begin to drop off, not in buckets, but in noticeable  degrees.

They key to losing and maintaining a healthy weight. The key to improved health is consistency. When you are able to apply these principles consistently, that will be your first measure of success. The other changes you are seeking will follow. Remember Eat slowly, Eat Mindfully Use portion control and try intermittent fasting. Difficult at first, any new thing always seems difficult at first but gets easier the more you do it.

Do not get discouraged. I am on a six principle program. My goal is not to gain weight through the winter and lose weight with more exercise as the weather changes and I can get out more and exercise more frequently. Till then I will contine to eat to live and apply the six principles.. It start here with me and DRS


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